lost and found 9.III-26.III2016
community exhibition
community exhibition
“lost and found” is an exhibition of analogue photographs brought to the gallery by our visitors from Bargoed and a little beyond. In the times of digital photography we wanted to remind everyone about the importance of physical prints that don’t get deleted easily and that can last for generations. We asked people to have another look at their photo albums, the type that all of us used to have and that we’d fill up with memories of holidays, celebrations and snapshots of everyday life. They are not only accounts of people’s past, but also of past photographic and printing techniques that are no longer used on a mass scale, as well as anthropological and historical documents. The photographs will be presented as prints and projections on our gallery walls. We’d like to thank everyone who trusted us with their photographs and thus gave us an insight into their lives and artistic endeavours. *** The exhibition is opening in the Hanbury Road Gallery (52 Hanbury Road) in Bargoed on the 9th of March at 12 and will run until the 26th of March, Mon-Sat from 10.30 to 6. *** Mae “colli a chanfod” yn rhoi sylw i gopïau o ffotograffau analog a gyflwynwyd gan aelodau o'n cymuned leol ym Margoed a thramor. Gyda ffotograffiaeth ddigidol o'n cwmpas ym mhob man dymunem atgoffa pawb am bwysigrwydd printiau go iawn nad ydynt yn cael eu dileu'n rhwydd ac a all barhau am genedlaethau. Gofynnwyd i bobl gael golwg arall ar eu llyfrau lluniau, yr arferai pawb ohonom fod â hwy a'u llenwi gydag atgofion o wyliau, dathliadau a chipluniau o fywyd bob dydd. Gwelsom drysorau go iawn, adroddiadau am orffennol pobl a hefyd orffennol y technegau ffotograffig a phrintio na chânt bellach yn defnyddio ar raddfa helaeth. Bydd y lluniau yn cael eu cyflwyno fel printiau a rhagamcanion ar ein waliau oriel. Hoffem ddiolch i bawb a ymddiriedodd ynom gyda'u ffotograffau ac felly godi cwr y llen ar eu bywydau a'u hymdrechion artistig. “colli a chanfod” yw'r chweched arddangosfa ffotograffiaeth a drefnwyd yn Bargoed gan brosiect *kickplate* diolch i grantiau gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru (Llywodraeth Cymru a'r Arian y Loteri), Datblygu'r Celfyddydau Caerffili on Cyngor Tref Bargoed. |