Mae “SA1” yn brosiect ar y cyd rhwng Dan Staveley a phrosiect*kickplate* yn ein horiel 76m2 ym Mhont-y-pŵl. Cafodd Dan ei gomisiynu gennym i ddefnyddio ei dechneg ar gyfer argraffu delweddau o ffôn symudol a chreu printiadau lliw o'i ffotograffau yn ystafell dywyll 76m2. Nid oedd yr un ohonom wedi gwneud hyn o'r blaen, felly bu Dan a phrosiect *kickplate* yn cydweithio drwy'r manylion technegol a chreu printiadau lliw. Ar ôl tair wythnos o arbrofi, roedd Dan wedi creu delweddau addas ar gyfer yr arddangosfa ac argraffodd y gyfres dros 6 wythnos.
Mae “SA1” yn brosiect hirdymor y bu Dan yn gweithio arno i ddogfennu'r newid yn wyneb canol dinas Abertawe wrth iddi fynd drwy gyfnod o adfywio mawr. Mae Dan yn defnyddio amlygiadau lluosog ar ffôn symudol i greu cyfres yn trin llawer o wahanol olygon o adfywio, ac annog gwylwyr i fyfyrio sut mae'r diwydiannau creadigol yn chwarae rôl yn y broses, sut yn ystod yr amserlen fawr a gymerir i adeiladu ac addasu dinas, ac os yw'r syniad gwreiddiol yn addas i'r diben pan fydd y prosiect wedi ei gwblhau. Mae Dan Staveley yn ffotograffydd masnachol sy'n seiliedig yn Llanelli. Mae'n addysgu cyrsiau gradd a sylfaen yng Ngholeg Celf Caerfyrddin ac yn aelod sefydlu oriel elysium yn Abertawe. Mae hefyd wedi creu dyfarniad ffotograffiaeth ESPY. Medrwch weld gwaith Dan ar instagram, ei dudalen, a darllen am ESPY ar *** “SA1" yw’r wythfed o gyfres o 9 arddangosfa a drefnir yn 2018 yn 76m2, Pont-y-pŵl gan brosiect *kickplate*, gyda chefnogaeth gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Adran Datblygu Celfyddydau Cyngor Torfaen a Chyngor Cymuned Pont-y-pŵl. 13 Hydref – 3 Tachwedd Dydd Llun Mercher, Gwener, Sadurn 11:00 – 18:00 Dydd Mawrth - Dydd Iau, 10:30 – 17:30 76m2 2 Adeiladau Portland Stryd Fasnachol Pont-y-pŵl Torfaen NP4 6JS |
"SA1" is a joint project between Dan Staveley and the*kickplate*project at our 76m2 gallery in Pontypool. Dan was commissioned by us to use his technique for printing images from a mobile phone and to create colour prints of his photographs in the 76m2 darkroom. None of us had done this before, so Dan and the*kickplate*project collaborated to work through the technical details and create colour prints. After three weeks of experimentation, Dan had created images suitable for the exhibition and over 6 weeks printed the series.
"SA1" is a long-term project Dan has been working on documenting the changing face of Swansea city centre as it goes through a large regeneration period. Dan uses multiple exposures taken on a mobile phone to create a series dealing with the many different views of regeneration, and encouraging viewers to reflect on how the creative industries play a role in the process, how during the large timescales it takes to build and modify a city, and if the original idea is fit for purpose when the project is complete. Dan Staveley is a commercial photographer based in Llanelli. He teaches degree and foundation courses at Carmarthen College of Art and is a founder member and director of elysium gallery in Swansea. He has also created the ESPY photography award. You can find Dan’s work on instagram and his website and read about ESPY on *** SA1 is the 8th in a series of 9 exhibitions that will be organised in 2018 in 76m2, Pontypool by the*kickplate*project, with the support from the Arts Council of Wales, Torfaen Council's Arts Development and Pontypool Community Council. 13th October – 3rd November Tuesday – Thursday 10:30 – 17:30 Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 11:00 – 18:00 76m2 2 Portland Buildings Commercial Street Pontypool Torfaen NP4 6JS |